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3 regions of Romania with 3 different stories


Thousands of years of cultural heritage and garlic as a life saver.

Transylvania is the best renowned region of Romania. It partly owes its fame to the myth of Dracula, the deadliest vampire, who is thought to have had his base in the Bran Castle. 

Beyond this, Transylvania is recommended and seen as the new Tuscany of Europe. Impressive landscapes, green hills, blue mountains, medieval fortresses, small villages tucked into forested valleys, where people still practice small farming, and the delicious gastronomy, all make it for a worth to try experience.

From our main Transylvanian tours
you don’t want to miss:

Tur 8 zile Transilvania, Cultura si Traditie 2025

Tur 5 Zile Romania Esentiala 2025

Drumetie 1 zi in Carpati masivul Bucegi


Danube Delta

Have you seen 327 species of birds in one place? Maybe you should.

The Danube river, also known as the European Amazon, represents for any tourist, a special encounter that can take the breath away. The Danube Delta is the newest territory of Europe, as it’s being constantly built by the Black Sea and the Danube. The Delta is the nest of the richest diversity of life, a Biosphere Reserve declared by the Unesco. It is the largest Delta in Europe and a paradise for plants and wildlife.  

The territory is inhabited by warm, welcoming people and the gastronomy based on fish dishes is absolutely to be tasted on! 

From our main Danube Delta tours you don’t want to miss:

Tur de 4 zile in Delta Dunarii 2022

Circuit 8 Zile Delta Dunarii si Marea Neagra 2022



Frozen in time are the perfect words to describe this one of a kind scenery.

Nowhere in Romania are there more churches, monasteries and hermitages on such a small territory, than in Bucovina. Most of them are centuries old, they are very well preserved and a lot of them have been included on the Unesco World Patrimony list. 

Bucovina, also known as the Beech Country is inigualable beautiful and sweet. Settled in the north eastern part of Romania, at the border with Ukraine, Bucovina is the land of the painted monasteries, the warm people and the beautiful homemade food and drink.

From our main Bucovina tours you don’t want to miss:

Circuit 10 zile Transilvania si Bucovina 2022


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